TurboCAD 2018.5 Update improvement, new features and bug fix list

TurboCAD 2018.5 Change Log:

Sr. #
Change Log Item
1 New Feature  .3MF Export Functionality.
2 Improvement 2D Geometric Parameters enhancement.
3 Improvement Keyboard Report Enhancement. Search option, String ID.
4 Improvement Requirement for a new checkbox in TurboCAD
5 Improvement Construction lines should not delete with isolation command
6 Improvement TCMap X/Y Size issue issue
7 New Feature  SKP filter: support the latest SKP file format (2018)
8 Improvement Copying the drawing from “Metric” to “English” breaks the part tree:
9 Improvement Cutting plane enhancement.
10 Improvement Sheet metal: Flange Sheet improvement
11 Improvement In the existing functionality the transform tool does not respond to otho snap mode.
12 Improvement Reset All Button in UI Theme Dialog Box
13 Improvement Improvement performance for architectural  objects
14 Improvement LightWorks. Using geo-location data for calculation of direction of sky and sun
15 Improvement Improving converter RedSDK to LightWorks
16 Improvement Keyboard. Showing custom keyboard shortcuts in local menu.
17 Improvement Keyboard options. Report on commands.
18 Improvement Ortho mode should work in Fence mode selection
19 Improvement Implement the local menu option.
20 Improvement Ribbon – Missing TC Coordinate Export Palette
21 Improvement Import pdf tool improvement – Cursor position is not define the width of pdf import result graphic. Cursor position should be lie on the line, that define width of pdf res graphic.
22 Improvement BIM Tool allows specify spatial structure element to entity
23 Bug Designer – cadcourse config not opening from Select workspace window on startup
25 Bug Keyboard Report Enhancement is not available in German and Czech builds 
25 Bug dae collada file corrupt save as selection
26 Bug Issue with ‘Simple Extrude’ extents if pen width  > 0 
27 Bug Drawing Compare giving Serial Number missing error in 64bit
28 Bug TurboCAD Pro Platinum 2018: Attached DGN file does not open. Program terminates
29 Bug Local menu options not functioning properly 
30 Bug Bug Report – Bend By Sketch  (from beta forum)
31 Bug The command line toolbar palette icon appears in the interface
32 Bug TurboCAD Pro Platinum 2018: Multiple key shortcut combination assigned to a command but it does not enable the command
33 Bug TurboCAD Pro Platinum 2018: Attached DWG file does not open. 
34 Bug TurboCAD Pro Platinum 2018: Attached DWG file does not open. 
35 Bug Can’t unbend the box:
36 Bug 2D Geometric Parameters doesn’t work:
37 Bug TC 2018. Save as TC 2016 does not save ASIC Solid
38 Bug Drafting object is not saved in the .DWG format:
39 Bug Extend Trial button don’t show after initial trial expires
40 Bug RedSDK quality render. Problem with lighting in paper space viewport 
41 Bug Ribbon: “Customize” window opens in ribbon interface instead of “Properties” window after clicking on commands:
42 Bug Can’t set “Baseline Increment” to zero in dimension styles of style manager palette:
43 Bug Lines are messed up after exporting the file to pdf:
44 Bug Exception occurred after importing attached 3MF file:
45 Bug TurboCAD Pro Platinum 2018: Unhandled exception occurs on opening attached .TCT file and switching to paperspace.
46 Bug Excpetion occurrs on Surface Roughness:
47 Bug TurboCAD Pro Platinum 2018: Attached TCW file doesn’t save in DXF DWG and IGS properly. Contents are lost.
48 Bug Prefix setting for pdf doesn’t work regardless of what prefix is entered, “TCLayer” still winds up as the prefix:
49 Bug Some local menu commands are missing in keyboard customize dialog:
50 Bug Error occurred after clicking on the “TurboCAD 2018 Help” link in the Windows Start window:
51 Bug TurboCAD 2018 Platinum: Incorrect pen width is shown in property tool bar on selecting lines with different widths 
52 Bug TurboCAD 2018 Pro Platinum: Pick Point Hatching is applied on hidden and isolated objects
53 Bug Drafting palette is not working properly for ppm symbols
54 Bug UE in case of clicking on Edit Drawing Luminance
55 Bug TurboCAD Pro Platinum 2018: Unhandled exception occurs while trying to apply pick point hatching to wall
56 Bug Database report “cost” field empty  
57 Bug .3MF export not working if 3D object is Surface
58 Bug Dimension arrowhead size not correct
59 Bug Hide tool stops working in case of changing place of copied objects
60 Bug Designer 2018: Unhandled exception occurs on saving attached file to DXF
61 Bug TurboCAD 2018: Unhandled exception occurs on saving attached tcw file to pdf
62 Bug Issue in 2D 3D Basic Training Guide 2018 and  2D Training-Guide for TurboCad 2018
63 Bug Application not going to default UI from CADcourse UI
64 Bug Default: Thick Profile and Quick Pull both tools are missing in Expert,need to include:
65 Bug UE-in case of switch to ribbon in LW render mode in TC Expert
66 Bug TurboCAD Designer 2018, option for CAD Course UI is missing in TurboCAD Workspace style pop up
67 Bug TurboCAD Deluxe 2018, option for CAD Course UI is missing in TurboCAD Workspace style pop up
68 Bug TurboCAD Expert 2018, option for CAD Course UI is missing in TurboCAD Workspace style pop up
69 Bug Ribbon: Nearest On Graphic snap is missing:
70 Bug Incorrect DWG export/import of Datum dimension
71 Bug  Edit Segment. UE occur while Editing Segment in a drawing
72 Bug S-mesh. Incorrect view of 3D objects with S-mesh option if Layer 0 has line style different from Continuous.
73 Bug Platinum. UE occurs if user tries to save tcw file into pdf.
74 Bug  User. Platinum. UE and Crash occur when user is trying to Unbend after 3D-Adding the two objects in the drawing.
75 Bug Unhandled Exception occurred at editing a segment of Polygon with Pattern after using Undo, if the drawing contains a constrained Polygon with filleted corners and another Polygon with Pattern.
76 Bug Unhandled Exception occur when Inserting Quick dimension second time after Undo the first one dimension
77 Bug Unhandled Exception at selecting Slab tool in Profile editing mode.
78 Bug Ribbon: Pro Platinum 2018, Icon for Rendering Styles is not visible in options tab