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TurboCAD Mac v15 PowerPack for Deluxe

TurboCAD Mac v15 PowerPack for Deluxe


3D Printing Tools, Mesh Tools and more

PowerPack offers 3D Printing, verification and repair tools, plus new modeling tools that will make your existing or future designs 3D Printer ready. Example tools include an overall 3D print check, slice preview, wall thickness analysis, and surface normals check along with a collection of tools to verify and repair mesh, curves, surfaces, and solids.




Extend the Power of TurboCAD Mac v15

Powerpack extends the feature set of TurboCAD with 70+ additional tools for Entity Management, 3DPrinting Editing/Repair, and Advanced Modelling. V12 adds the Mesh to Analytic tool to convert mesh data (STL, SketchUp) into precise solids and extends the standard functionality of these applications with a suite of mesh/entity verification and repair tools, and general utility features to better manage CAD data.

Below are a list of the expanded features and tools you’ll receive with the PowerPack for TurboCAD Mac v15.

Curve, Surface, and Solid Modeling Tools

  • Repair Profile
  • Simplify Profile
  • Show Surface Free Edges
  • Remove Duplicate Entities
  • Remove Zero Length Curves
  • Simplify Solid
  • Feature Selections
  • Shadow Projections

Mesh Tools

  • Mesh Analysis
  • Auto Repair
  • Show Free Edges
  • Remove Collapsed Facets
  • Identify Overlaps
  • Check Intersections
  • Remove Duplicate Facets
  • Fix Flipped Normals
  • Reduce Triangles
  • Convert To Quads
  • Weld Vertices
  • Remove Unused Vertices
  • Close Simple Holes
  • Rebuild Normals
  • Flip One Normal
  • Close Seam
  • Vertex Smoothing
  • Make Vertices Planar
  • Segment Mesh
  • Segment Analytic
  • Separate All Parts
  • Facet From Curves
  • Add Facet
  • Delete Facet
  • Split Facet Edge
  • Convert to Quads
  • Convert To Triangles
  • Reduce Triangles
  • Combine
  • Split by Select

General Tools to Better Manage CAD Data

  • Assorted Colors
  • AutoLayer
  • Preview Layers
  • Change File Units
  • Show Only By Name
  • Rename
  • Rename
  • Isolate Layer From Selection