We are excited to announce that TurboCAD® 2022 has arrived! TurboCAD 2022 offers added functionality to both the architectural and mechanical areas of design in the program, with special emphasis to sheet metal design, CAD interoperability, and rendering.
Over 20 new & improved features added for our TurboCAD 2022 Release!
Performance, User Interface & Usability
1. Undo Manager Palette – New - New Feature (All TurboCAD 2022 Software titles)
A new Palette “Undo Manager Palette” has been added to the list of palettes. The palette displays all the steps performed and allows the user to switch back and forth. The steps breakdown allows users to switch from one drawing state to another with a single click bypassing intermediate states.
2. Render Studio Enhancement – Improved Feature (TurboCAD 2022 Platinum Only)
Render Studio Enhancements include UI scale support and Advanced Render dialog updates.
3. Search Option for Drawing and Program (All TurboCAD 2022 Software titles)
A new Search bar has been added to both the Program Setup and Drawing Setup dialog boxes which allows user to find the various options contained in each dialog. The search bar makes it easy for the users to search for different options available in whole Drawing Setup or Program Setup dialog boxes rather than finding them manually.
4. Keyboard Report Enhancement - Improved Feature (All TurboCAD 2022 Software titles)
A few enhancements have been made to the Keyboard Report. Row highlighting on mouse hover, local menu description, and command icons for Default (dark) and Classic (light) theme have been added to the report.

*Click to open screenshot
5.Selector - New option "Keep Size" - New Feature (TurboCAD 2022 Platinum & Professional Software titles)
A new option “Keep size” has been added to the 2D and 3D Selector’s Local Menu. When enabled, this option scales the distances between the selected objects, without scaling the objects themselves; louthat is, not changing their size.
6. Program Setup, Preferences Options - "Highlight selection in renders" - New Feature (TurboCAD 2022 Platinum, Professional & Deluxe Software titles)
A new option “Highlight selection in renders” has been added to the Preferences of Program Setup. This option allows user to disable drawing of the selected objects in all camera modes, except GDI modes (Wireframe\Native Wireframe and Hidden Line\Hidden Line). Enabling this option can cut down on render time and allow for more accurate selection of objects to be rendered.
7. Toggle Selection Highlighting (TurboCAD 2022 Platinum, Professional & Deluxe Software titles)
A new menu item “Toggle Selection Highlighting” has been added to the Program Setup menu. It’s a toggle option which that turns on/off “Highlight selection in renders” option in Preferences menu. This option is a convenient and the fastest way to turn on/off Selection Highlighting Option available in Program setup menu.
8. Selection Information Palette Highlight - Improved Feature (TurboCAD 2022 Platinum, Professional & Deluxe Software titles)
Selection Information’s Highlight option functionality has been improved. If only one object is selected, then such highlight is meaningless & harmful. Therefore, highlight selection would not work if only one object is selected as it is not required when single item is selected.
2D Drafting and Annotation
10. Ability to now interrupt Wireframe GDI draw - New Feature (All TurboCAD 2022 Software titles)
TurboCAD now has the ability to interrupt native GDI draw by pressing the Esc key. This is very helpful while editing a large drawing. Previously, without this ability to interrupt, the user would have to wait finish a GDI draw after each action. A Progress Indicator has also been added.
11. Smart Dimension Tool - Improved Feature (All TurboCAD 2022 Software titles)
The Smart dimensioning tool is now fully associative between Model and Paper spaces. Changes made to a Smart Dimension in Model Spaces will automatically be updated inside of any Viewport in Paper space which includes that Smart Dimension.
3D Design and Modeling
12. Associative Intersections – New Feature (TurboCAD 2022 Platinum Software title only)
A new local menu option “Associative Intersections” has been added to the Intersection tool. If this option is enabled, the intersection curves created get associated with the 3D objects. That is, with the movement of the intersecting objects, the intersecting curves get updated accordingly.
13. Associative sections – New Feature (TurboCAD 2022 Platinum Software title only)
The Architectural Grid is a new tool that makes it easy to align other architectural objects in the drawing, such as walls and columns. Users can also import rectangular grids from DWG drawings and can change the properties of the grid and bubble representation, via the Selection Info palette.
14. Surface on Face: New option "Offset" – New Feature (TurboCAD 2022 Platinum Software title only)
A new local menu option “Offset” has been added to the Surface on Face tool. This defines the offset of the surface from the object. When the surface is being created, user has this option to create it with a positive or negative offset from the source object.
15. Updated ACIS® Solid Modeling Engine (Booleans, blends, shelling) – Improved Feature (TurboCAD 2022 Platinum Software title only)
The core of TurboCAD Platinum is driven by the ACIS 2022 solid modeling geometry engine from Dassault Systems. ACIS is a robust modeling engine that supports wireframe, surface/NURB, solids, direct face editing, and numerous feature operations such as Booleans, blends, shells, and warping. TurboCAD 2022 updates to the underlying solid modeling engine providing improvements in the following areas:
• Multithreading
• Booleans
• Constant and Variable Radius Blends
• Direct Face Operations
• Shelling
Rendering and Visualization
16. Visualise – New and Improved Features List
Visualize render has been improved with new additions as follows:
a. Cutting Plane - New Feature (TurboCAD 2022 Platinum Software title only)
Dynamic Cut Plane has been implemented for Visualize Render. Three pre-defined cut planes (XY, YZ, XZ) have been added to the Drawing Setup and Dynamic Cut Plane options. Ability to hatch section contours has also been added to the Dynamic Cut Plane Drawing Setup options.
User can now use Dynamic Cut Plane while in Draft render. The 3 cut planes introduced (XY, YZ, XZ) makes it easy to define the specific plane for the dynamic cut. The settings added to the Drawing Setup window helps the user to select different filling pattern styles for the cut plane.

*Click to open screenshot
b. Auto Update Current View - Improved Feature (TurboCAD 2022 Platinum, Professional & Deluxe Software titles)
A new option “Auto update current view” has been added to the Draft Render in Camera Properties. When this option is enabled, the dialog parameter changes are immediately applied to the active window. Previously, the changes were applied only when clicking the “OK” button after selecting the options. But with this new option, user is able to have immediate results when selecting/deselecting different options before even clicking the “OK” button.
d. Camera Extended Parameters - New Feature (TurboCAD 2022 Platinum, Professional & Deluxe Software titles)
A new set of extended parameters have been added to Draft Rendering page of Camera Properties. These parameters are available for 3 visual style modes i.e., X-Ray, Conceptual, Shades of Gray. Each visual style has its own set of parameters. When changing the parameters, you can switch the styles from one to another. The extended parameters include Edge and Face mode/color related settings.
17. TurboLux - New Feature (TurboCAD 2022 Platinum, Professional & Deluxe Software titles)
TurboLux is a state-of-the-art rendering technology which exploits Physically Based Rendering (PBR) techniques. PBR models light and materials based on the laws of physics, accurately simulating the flow of light, resulting in eye-popping images of photographic quality.
Support for PBR-compatible Materials for TurboCAD is included in the 2022 release, with over 800, fully-editable TurboLux materials in the TurboCAD Materials Palette. PBR Materials extend the traditional color mapping with normal, metallic, roughness, and height maps. Combined with shaders for matte, glossy, glass, car paint, and metal, these new materials enable renderings to look more realistic by simulating real world imperfections such as scratches, roughness, smudges, or noise
Heterogeneous Computing
TurboLux uses OpenCL and/or CUDA to run on any number of CPUs or Nvidia-based GPUs that are available on your machine. This highly optimized rendering layer provides performance that scales nearly linearly with the number of available computing devices. Using this high performance device layer, TurboLux extracts the most out of your computer’s available hardware, which results in faster, high quality rendered images.
TurboCAD Rendering Utilizing 32 CPU Threads and 2560 CUDA Cores
Advanced Rendering Features - Denoiser and Caustics
Denoiser – As a progressive based rendering engine, TurboLux samples pixels towards a final rendered solution. Sometimes this sampling process can produce fireflies or unlit pixels. Using a Denoiser is one way to remove these artifacts to accelerate progress towards a final, better quality rendered solution in a dramatically reduced period of time.
Caustics is an optical phenomenon where light shines through typically glass or water materials only to reflect and refract into additional light rays of different wavelengths and colors.
TurboLux supports advanced caustics by providing bidirectional path tracing to trace light not only from the camera but also from the lights in your scene to render the complex lighting scenes. This is particularly beneficial in Interior Design
Caustics through Glass
Other Advanced Rendering Features in TurboLux include Tone Mapping, and Lighting Controls including support of HDRI.
18. AEC Radial Grid - New Feature (TurboCAD 2022 Platinum & Professional Software titles only)
A new AEC Grid “Radial Grid” has been added to the Architecture menu. This Radial grid is a new tool that makes it easy to align other radial architectural objects in the drawing, such as curved walls and columns.
19. Slab Edge Styles support – New Feature (TurboCAD 2022 Platinum & Professional Software titles only)
A new category Slab Edge Styles has been added to the Style Manager. Now user can edit the slab edge styles via a new edit mode. Using edge styles, you can specify dimensions, such as the overhang length, and the orientation and angle of the edges. User can also specify a fascia and soffit for the edge style. With this new feature, it is now possible to edit slab edge style by activating “Edge Style” option in the edit mode.
20. AEC Grid Keep Label value – Improved Feature (All TurboCAD 2022 Software titles)
A new property ‘’Keep label value” has been added to the AEC Grids. The new option adds the ability to save the axis name without changing it, regardless of the order of the axes in the grid. With this option enabled, user can automatically move the axis to any position without having it to rename it.
21. Wall/Window/Door tools – Improved Feature (All TurboCAD 2022 Software titles)
A new local menu option “Anchor to AEC Grid” has been added to the walls, windows, and doors. When this option is enabled, the ends of the architectural object anchor to the AEC grid. The end position of the object changes in accordance with edits made to the AEC grid.
22. Roof improvement - Improved Feature (TurboCAD 2022 Platinum, Professional & Deluxe Software titles)
A new local menu option “Overhang” has been added to the Roof tools. User can now edit overhangs for each side of the roof.
23. Professional Mechanical CAD File Translators - Improved Feature (TurboCAD 2022 Platinum Software title only)
TurboCAD’s precision data translators were developed by the world’s foremost expert in Interoperability—Dassault Systems. Translators include precision neutral file formats such as STEP and IGES plus native support for a variety of CAD applications including SolidWorks, CATIA, and NX. TurboCAD’s Interoperability solution not only provides data translation but integrates advanced features such as Geometry Repair, Topology Repair, and Tolerance Resolution to improve data compatibility between diverse systems.
Updates specific to TurboCAD 2022 include:
- IGES, STEP (updates)
- SAT/SAB (updates)
- CREO 8 (new version support)
- SolidWorks 2022 (new version support)
- Parasolid 34 (new version support)
- NX 1980 Series (new version support)
- CATIA v5-5 2022 (new version support)
- SolidEdge 2022 (new version support)
TurboCAD 2022 - Now Available!
We are excited to announce that TurboCAD® 2022 is now available! To celebrate the launch of TurboCAD 2022, we will be having
an Introductory Sales Event! Prices valid until 30 April 2022.
TurboCAD 2022- Introductory Offers
Save Up to 15% when you buy any TurboCAD 2022 software full version!
Introductory offer discounts only valid until 30 April 2022.

TurboCAD 2022 Upgrades - Introductory Offer
As a reward to our loyal and existing TurboCAD customers, you save 25% when you upgrade your existing TurboCAD software to
TurboCAD 2022 Platinum, Professional, Deluxe! Introductory upgrade discounts only valid until 30 April 2022.
TurboCAD Platinum 2022 Upgrades

TurboCAD Professional 2022 Upgrades

TurboCAD Deluxe 2022 Upgrades

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